Opening to Liminal Spaces
Moving Beyond the Dualities and Patriarchal Constraints of English
Welcome to this edition of Liminal Walker Musings!
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Today, I am exploring the importance and beauty of the liminal, contrasting it with how the English language shapes a dualistic and patriarchal worldview.
Finding Liminality in the English Language
Finding liminal words in the English language is like trying to find Waldo! You need to dig deep and sift through a conglomeration of other words. English, clearly, does not represent the liminal very well, or wholeness for that matter. Which calls into question, what is the main focus of the English language?
Yes, I’m going to attempt to answer that question, but first, I’m not a linguist nor an expert in languages. My native tongue is English, and Je parle français un peu. Learning languages has been challenging for me. I am more of a number’s person, excelling in math. For instance, in university, I took engineering calculus instead of basic calculus to explore the theorems behind the numbers. I guess I'm a bit geeky in that way.
In my formative years, words and grammar were not my forte! That said, these past few years where I’ve dedicated myself to writing have opened incredible doors for me in many ways. I’ve experimented, taken risks, shared my writing and even begun creating poetry. However, this post is not about that.
It’s about the challenges I have discovered around communicating liminality. And a resulting peep hole that has provided me insight into the English language. To my chagrin, English definitely lacks the words and ranges of expression to fully capture the nuanced experience of liminality. Poetry does come close and at times can exceed!
In my personal experience, English is great for business. And probably one of the reasons it’s become a global language. It speaks the words of banking, travel, contracts, marketing, money and more. Yet, it tends to lack the subtlety and flavors of other domains.
Why? Because it tends more towards duality and polarity while having hierarchal and patriarchal leanings. Leaving vocabular gaps, like in philosophy when expressing complex ideas, in social environments with gender fluidity and in spirituality around the intricacy of intuitive feelings. When I communicate, it seems like I must choose one side over another. Is it our politics that mimics our language, or our language that reflects our politics?
The Dual and Patriarchal Ways of English
This is the chicken and egg story, I am not sure what comes first, cultural influences or language. Either way English tends towards distinctions and classifications. Pulling life apart while simultaneously ranking its constituents.
English follows a subject-verb-object sentence structure. The subject is the doer of the action, the object the receiver of it. This can oversimplify complex relational dynamics. Overtones and undercurrents can be missed or are absent.
Grammatically, there is also a division between past, present, and future. Seeing time as having distinct partitions, we lose the fluidity of moments. Creating a sense of disconnection from the temporal flow.
The English language uncouples ideas into opposing categories. Binary opposites that frame one side as dominate and preferable, while the other is inferior and to be avoided if possible. Examples:
Good vs. Evil
Rich vs. Poor
Male vs. Female
Light vs. Dark
Strong vs. Weak
Success vs. Failure
Rigid divisions generate either/or thinking where opposites are seen as mutually exclusive. In this scenario, the liminal cannot exist, thus affecting the way we view and express our identities, experiences, and perspectives as in these examples…
Humanity vs. Nature reinforces human dominance over our planet, environment, ecosystems, animals, plants, etc. Neglecting the fact that we are in relationship with life. Interconnected and interdependent with our natural world.
Mind vs. Body creates divisions. Reducing our being to a collection of parts. Thinking is split from feeling, intellect from physicality. Psychology fragments the mind, Allopathic medicine breaks up the body. Where is the awareness of this innate network that exists within our being and all around us?
Individual vs. Collective overly promotes independence and autonomy. An oversimplification of complex social structures and dynamics that fuels comparisons and competition. Resulting in discrimination and privileged attitudes. Losing sight of the family we all are together.
Patriarchal language reflects, reinforces and perpetuates gender biases and power dynamics that favor men and often marginalize women and non-binary individuals. We see this in the lexical choices of our everyday conversation. Traits that men are strong, competent and dominant. Women that are nurturing, passive and communal. As seem in these expressions, “don’t be a girl” or “grow some balls”.
Also, feminine terms are usually derived from corresponding masculine forms. These masculine nouns and pronouns such as job titles are then used to refer to both men and women, with the consequences of making women invisible.
Personal Experience
The other day, I wrote a Substack note about setting extra places at our Thanksgiving table for two loved ones who had recently passed. By including them, I felt a deep sense of ease. Though I still felt grief, I was able to enjoy the holiday with everyone who attended. What word captures this feeling? There isn’t one. I used the term “grief-joy” in my note, but I truly wish there was a word for this combination. "Bittersweet" doesn't capture it.
Let’s see…What about “grioy”? Or using a Latin combination, “gaudmae”
Of course I could use several words to convey this, such as ‘My heart is both heavy and light at the same time.’ or ‘There's joy in the grief, and grief in the joy.’ Yet, these still emphasize the dual nature rather than the blending. The ‘and’ in these sentences may connect the two terms, but they remain as parts. By using a single word, blending is implied, contrast is removed, duality becomes one.
Longing for the Liminal, Single Words from Other Languages
It’s ironic, I have used the English language to critique it. In many ways dissected it into parts which contradicts my point. And yet, here lies the beauty and gift of the English Language, and in some way, the liminal.
Walking the liminal, lingering in the in-between, is a numinous place. A threshold where two ideas, feelings and places merge, birthing something new. This isn’t about achieving a perfect balance. Instead, it’s the locus, power spot where the two opposites meet and combine.
What if we collectively understood this in-between space? How would we relate to life, both within and around us? Some cultures have, and it is reflected in their language. Here is a short list of blending words from various cultures. And I’m not surprised that many of these are indigenous.
A life force exists in and through everything, animate and inanimate. Holistically connecting the mind, body, emotions and soul.
“Mana” Polynesian
“Inua” Inuit
“Lima” Quechua
“Qi” Chinese
“Prana” Sanskrit
Sacred duties of protecting and honoring the land, animals and people. Caring for the earth and living in harmony with her.
"Irlu" Tlingit/Pacific Northwest
"Aq’a" Quechua/Andes
Adding in interconnection, reverence and familiar relationship with nature.
"Pachamama" Quechua/Andes.
"Iksani" Inuit
"Amoré" Indigenous Taino/Caribbean
"Mālie" Hawaiian
"Ngasung" Ainu/Japan
"Ubuntu" Nguni Bantu/Southern Africa: “I am because we are.” Individual well-being is interdependent to the well-being of all.
"Wabi-Sabi" Japanese: Seeing beauty in imperfection and impermanence.
"Nunchi" Korean: Art of understanding and having social and emotional intelligence.
"Berdache" Various Indigenous North American Languages: A person who embodies both masculine and feminine qualities. Two-spirits.
May this in-between place of liminality become your guide,
revealing to you the power within transition.
Where past and future weave together a harmony of possibility,
inviting your heart to dance to what is yet to be.
May you remain open and curious as this passageway unfolds,
revealing the potency of connection and reciprocity.
Let the sacredness of this threshold wash over you,
as the passing and becoming merge, birthing something new.
Questions for you…
What is your relationship with liminality?
Do you feel compelled to choose one side of duality over the other?
How has language influenced the way you perceive your life?
Would love to know your thoughts and feelings. Let’s have a conversation…
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I once found a book at a used book store simply based on its title: Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things. It is about linguistics! You may find it interesting. I never got around to reading it and it is probably packed away, but it sounds fascinating to me. Here’s a wiki page on it:,_Fire,_and_Dangerous_Things
As a lifelong lover of languages --and happily tri-lingual-- I very much enjoyed reading this. The patriarchy is rooted in language, which manifests and is deeply intertwined with culture and history. How we transition out of the linguistic architecture that evolved with the rise of the patriarchy is still to be seen. I suspect it will take a while as evolution does not happen overnight. By the way, I recently wrote a short essay titled "Nuf Sed" about how language evolution is an organic process. If interested in this subject, please visit my substack.