Welcome to this edition of Liminal Walker Musings!
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Returning from my break was first met with the messy middle, and now chaos! Well… needless to say…
Sometimes I just have to…
Primal scream.
Silent scream.
Mother bear scream.
The canary in the coal mine scream.
sacred NO…
Life has taken on a new dimension this past week for me. One of tempest and storm, of clamor and inferno! With the fires in LA, as another cataclysmic scorching of California. To the inauguration of Voldemort, (I was going to say, “he who cannot be named”, but naming is important here). I feel the witch pyres burning, the patriarchal noose tightening, the capitalistic money grab taking on new proportions. Have you started screaming with me too? We all have our moments, for me this is one of them.
The other morning, I felt a fervent need, a primal longing to spend time with my altar. For me, this wasn’t about worshiping a space or an external entity but energetically entering the womb of the all-pervasive Mother. When the weight of what I expressed above presses in, it’s time to immerse myself within the coherence of Her expanse and presence. And it really helped!
Afterwards, I was nudged to pull an oracle card from my Sacred Hags deck, it was on chaos! A fitting theme for what I have been currently moving with. Life feels like its unraveling, the ground beneath me disappearing. I feel both disorientated and overwhelmed. Yet, deep within the chaos, I sense a visceral and potent power, the creative force of Her! Storms arise not for us only to endure, but to meet the great potential within them for renewal and transformation.
Meet the Tower Card from the Tarot
The Tower card seems terribly foreboding. Lightning strikes from the skies above, as the structure below is set ablaze, throwing everything into complete disarray and chaos. A sudden and unexpected havoc is unfolding.
Many Tower cards depict Kali, a Hindu Goddess of unpredictable forces. She’s most known for her association with destruction and death. Yet, she is also a protectress, a sacred badass that also becomes a sanctuary during chaos.
Kali initiates us by breaking through our unconscious patterns that cause suffering. She doesn't ask us to deny our pain but to be present with it. With one hand, she wreaks havoc, while with another, she holds space for us to see our dysfunctional beliefs. With her third hand she devours our rigid structures, symbolized by the skulls. With her final hand, she offers love generously.
As a liberator, Kali serves our deeper self. She may bring destruction, but it's through divine intervention that we face our entrenched patterns. Her purpose isn’t to destroy the ego, but to unveil and reveal the consequences that manipulation, dishonesty, and doubt have upon us. When faced with natural disasters, karmic energies, traumas and over-culture doublespeak, she protects! Guiding the pure of heart and helping to set healthy boundaries.
How important are these things we cannot see?
I keep returning to my new manta: “How important are these things we cannot see?” If I’m focused only on what the over-culture wants me to see, how can I get access to the deeper, majestic nature within life, within myself!
Remembering is key! I’m not isolated; I’m deeply connected to everything, to all the seen and unseen forces, some supportive, others disruptive. What do I focus on? And how do I navigate this?
When I measure my worth and success by external standards, I teeter on the edge of dismay. By attempting to fit into something outside myself, I neglect the intangible forces that truly nourish me, like love, inspiration and peace. Calling me to root into the mystery, rather than fixating on proverbial screens of extraneous expectations. Being caught in the web of the inversion.
With the rise of patriarchy and Abrahamic religions came the inversion. What was once sacred, the natural cycles of fertility, birth, creation and death that were revered as the Goddess, became something impure and wicked. Wholeness was ripped apart into polarities. Bodies seen as unclean, spirit as pure. Earth as material, soul as heavenly. Our Earth Mother became something to conquer, dominate and colonize. The Divine Feminine demonized, equated with the devil. An indoctrinated view of seeing the Goddess as blasphemous, God as reverent. Mystery, immanence, animacy was all pathologized, with healing only found through a transcendent outer male rule.
I find I need to call this out for what it is. Otherwise, I risk falling into CHIP’s hidden agenda and game.
From my last post… “CHIP stands for Capitalistic Hierarchical Imperialistic Patriarchy. This microCHIP has been trying to dictate the terms of my life from the moment I was born… probably even before then.”
Calling me to see behind the smoke and mirrors. Beyond the doublespeak by coming home to the unseen congruent and resonant forces in and around us. These innate, native cycles of life, our planet as Mother Earth, and Her as the force of love.
We need the mystery more now than ever! We need to anchor into Her animating and expansive presence and stop commodifying Her. She’s been sanitized and stripped of her vitality, reduced to a mere concept in the CHIP mindset, which focuses solely on what She can do for us. But She is not a belief or a conjecture. She is everything!
She’s the universal spanda, meaning the pulsation and radiating energy that creates and manifests as life. From Her internal flame she molds, forges and constructs all that is tangible and intangible. We are her canvas, we are her body. Everything is inherently Her, while also being separate and differentiated, interwoven into a cosmic evolving dance of creation.
Yet, in capitalistic societies, the focus is not on togetherness or this great expanse of interconnection, but on individualism. Individualism driven by the scramble for dominance, the battle to secure one’s slice of the pie, and to stockpile it. It doesn’t matter the means, be it corruption, exploitation or dehumanization, the result is the same. A few mega-hoarders having most of it, with only crumbs or nothing at all, left for others.
When I get caught in the grip of CHIP forces, I feel paralyzed, filled with doubt and despair. I forget that true power lies in what can’t be physically seen.
“What is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
There are many benevolent unseen forces that we may intuitively sense and energetically connect with. They are what we call angels, guides, ancestors, totems, archetypes, gods and goddesses. They like us, exist within this quantum field, this expanse of Her, reminding us of what we truly are…
The Call…
The call is to remember. To trust that the mystery is not something to be dreaded but something to meet and explore. For true power lies within the invisible. Chaos may be an inevitable part of life’s creative force, but we can learn to navigate it. Not by seeking the eye of the storm outside ourselves, but by slowing down and becoming it. Not as a one-time fix but an ongoing choice and commitment through anchoring into this vital force that sustains us all.
She is the spark of our desires, the pulse beneath our skin, an interconnected web of life that binds us all together. Again, she is the spanda. As we align with Her, we come to understand that chaos, even in its tumultuous ways, is not an enemy but an ally. A force that shapes and refines us, guiding us deeper into our true nature.
I offer both tarot readings and personalized one-on-one sessions. Both designed to support and nurture your inner journey, helping you gain deeper insight into the movements of your life. If you're interested, feel free to reach out to me via direct message or email. Love and Blessings to you!
Questions for you…
How do you typically react to chaotic situations?
If you embraced the chaos, what might shift for you?
In what ways has chaos led to transformation or renewal in your life?
Would love to know your thoughts and feelings. Let’s have a conversation…
For more information about the liminal and my offerings:
Please go to: https://www.liminalwalker.com/
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I have been sitting with Holy Rage this week and love the power it feeds. I keep thinking of Vicktor Frankl as a prisoner of the Holocaust and solidifying the truth that no one can truly take our freedom unless we hand it to them. Something I am unwilling to do. Force creates the tension for change, but flow will always be the best guide. She knows what’s she doing and so do we.
Yes yes yes!! I especially loved these lines:
“She is not a belief or a conjecture. She is everything! She’s the universal spanda, meaning the pulsation and radiating energy that creates and manifests as life.”
Soooo delicious. Grateful for writers like you that speak of Her loud and proud!