Oh, Julie, thank you so much for sharing your selkie dream! It makes me think, too, about the oceans within us...the bodies of water contained in our own human-shaped skin. And the pillars that formed (in your dream) are rigid structures that keep us locked in a single form, when really, our oceans are meant to be ever shifting. There's so much here to ponder! The story of the selkie is so heartbreaking. In some ways, it echoes life itself. We learn to love these limited experiences while there's always that tugging feeling that our true belonging is elsewhere. I loved this post so much! Thank you!

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I loved reading this. It reminded me of one of my rather visceral suspicions: we're very much like dolphins, diving in and out of eternal, infinite oceans, our smooth skin constantly flaking and peeling as new skin cells replace old cells. We never stop transforming ourselves.

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I love this so much Julie, it speaks of the freedom of the ocean, but also the sadness of having that freedom taken away. A time when it will be restored completely and we can freely shapeshift without the fear of capture. I resonate with that feeling of not being comfortable in your skin, I’ve always had a constant battle with my weight and how that makes me feel. I feel like it’s all coming to the surface to heal, so that I can grow into my crone role with ease and grace. Such a beautiful narrative to carry us through those changes.

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Julie, I have tears in my eyes...I resonate with the Selkie story so much. I feel as though I am from the ocean and that eventually there I will return, yet now I am here upon this earth and here I am to be.

Did anyone take my skin from me? Or did I choose to be earthbound this time and learn from the land and in turn give the wisdom from the sea...

In honour of your story and the journey you have travelled to come home in your skin. Thank you for sharing that story and for sharing the story of your dream.

Much love xxx

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Hi Julie, your post is beautiful. I want to share something from Eckhart Tolle about polarization that helped me a lot:

“When you are faced with challenge—you will not immediately react, there will be an ability to face someone/something, to give it attention, this is an aspect of awareness. Or even give attention to an arising thought—

Why are people so insane they don’t get vaccinated?

Why are people so insane to take the vaccines?

Instead of identifying with one or the other you can hold two seemingly conflicting thoughts.

Otherwise whoever holds an opposing thought becomes your enemy.

To hold the paradox is the sign of wisdom.

The ability to decide for yourself is there.

I looked at the situation, I gave it attention, including some information, what are the risks, very quietly you look at it. Finally I decided to get the vaccine. 2 of them, now they’re talking about a 3rd, I don’t know about that yet. I will look at it, and a decision will arise.

Some people have become contaminated by fear. Once its taken a hold of you, you lose awareness.

Without the underlying awareness you are at the mercy of toxic thoughts that act in your mind the same way that a virus acts in your body.” ✨🌟💖🙏

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