This is such a powerful piece Julie, you've described the divine feminine so beautifully. You've made it make sense, which is not an easy thing to do! I am definitely feeling more of this coming through, the coiled serpent, the flame that is lit within. Like you say it's time to thrive within this energy, not just exist. We are ready, SO ready. Love and light. xx

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I appreciate this Louise. It has taken awhile but I have to come to the point where I cannot not talk, share and write about Her. I feel compelled. I love, love that you are feeling Her too. Yes to the "coiled serpent, the flame that is lit within!" May your journey with and into Her be one of embodiment, fiery passion and deep deep connection. Love to you! ❤

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👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Beautifully and articulately written. What an ode! 😍

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Oh my heart is melting! In my writing I long for it to be poetic, an ode.

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It’s so bizarre to realize how many live without this relationship. I barely remember now how strange it seemed at first to expand my world beyond that great “He” of the Judeo-Christian tradition. There’s a feeling of taboo… naughtiness… Yet years later, it feels so profoundly normal to connect with the Feminine. So much would be missing for me without that relationship. Thank you for writing into this, Julie!

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I appreciate what you shared here, completely agree! Yes I definitely had that feeling of taboo when I first began to use "Her" as the Great Mother instead of "He" as the God in the sky. And yes again to it feeling so natural to be in relationship and connection with Her! SHE has me wholly and completely, in full devotion of Her!

PS I just started your book last night. Excited to dig in.

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This is truly a magically piece of writing. In every word there is an invitation to TRUST and to FALL deeper into the cosmos and the earth. In every word there is an invitation to OPEN up and BE HELD in our vulnerability and rawness, in our strength and our sovereign nature.

Julie, I read this post so slowly...each word like a magical incantation. It was an invitation to explore and heal while at the same time an invitation to praise myself for the connection and depth that I have trod thus far.

ps/ What you write is so relevant. It is not to tumble the top, it is to ensure that the foundations are soft and strong in a new way of being in the world, for only then will the top crumble.

Thank you...for inviting the initiation of the Divine Feminine in all of us.

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Oh Sam I am completely touched! I am humbled by your description, "each word like a magical incantation." My heart is dripping right now with sweet nectar.

And I loved, loved this: "there is an invitation to TRUST and to FALL deeper into the cosmos and the earth. In every word there is an invitation to OPEN up and BE HELD in our vulnerability and rawness, in our strength and our sovereign nature." Yes that is HER!!!

Love to you Sam, I so appreciate you! ❤

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I have been exploring the web of reading lists looking for new Stacks to read, and wow did I find a lot of gems looking through yours! The Liminality Journal, The Wisdom Path, Soul Joy, True Nature, The Woven Web. Many more messages that I can look forward to reading each month. I found you through Geoffe of the Creekmasons.

Yes, She is rising. I feel it in myself, in my own re-embodiment, in what I feel called to write. My mother has spent, in some ways, a lifetime of spiritual work in Her service. (You can read part of her story at https://choiceforlove.com/the-return-of-the-mother/)

I'd also like to share Field Notes (https://hannahelizabethking.substack.com/p/a-geography-of-one), written by a dear friend who has much in common with you and many of the writers you follow, and who deserves a wider readership.

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I am glad Markael that you found some gems here. From what I wrote to what I read! And I just subscribed to Field Notes - yes very much in common. Thanks!

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Julie, what a poignant, inviting ode, written from embodied presence to and reverie with and tenderness from the Divine Feminine herself. What inspires me most is that these reflections do not seem to seek to overthrow patriarchy (the other side of the same force, as you offer) but enfold what is dying into evolutionary incarnation. Just beautiful. Thank you.

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Thanks Renée! This piece felt channeled to me, I am humbled by it and it was an honor to write it. I love what you said about "evolutionary incarnation." YES to evolutionary incarnation!

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Hi Julie, thank you for writing, sharing your insight and inviting us to add our own thoughts to your offering.

This is such an interesting journey for me, there is much that I resonate with in your words and I most especially felt my body awaken in agreement when you touched upon the chaos surrounding the emergence or nature of the DF.

I touched on the notion of chaos in my last post, how society and religion sees it as something bad to be controlled when it is in fact the fertile void which creates life. I also spoke about my own struggle to embrace the chaos within me. I was actually going to write about the DF in that post but something stopped me and reading and reflecting on your post, I think I understand why.

Since I consciously started deconstructing through Christianity, my relationship with the concept of God has changed. I grew up seeing God as an embodied anthromorphised deity similar to how the ancient Greeks viewed and worshipped Zeus. But over time, this has shifted to replacing God with an awareness of a Life Energy similar to the concept of chi/qi.

I feel that often when people speak of the DF they are imagining the female counterpart of the male God, a goddess or divine woman and this is what I struggle with. As I no longer see God as an entity or being, I struggle with this depiction even the use of SHE. Although I do know ancient languages have a masculine or feminine form, it rarely is imbued with the same meaning that we give it. For instance, the Holy Spirit is in the feminine and I feel that this is over-emphasised within the West as if trying to prove a point of separation. Which I think brings me back to where I am currently in my journey.

Because of my shift towards Life energy, I no longer see the Divine as male or female or even masculine or feminine but as One - different forms of the same energy. An example to illustrate this is that I have been learning Tai Chi for a while now and they often talk about Yin and Yang in the various forms we learn. At first I tried to make sense of it through my understanding of the divine feminine vs masculine but try as I might it made no sense to me. I realised my preoccupation with trying to understand it as separate was getting in the way of me grasping the deeper learning beneath it - I had to release what I thought I knew to begin to embrace this new way of understanding Yin and Yang which was that they flow into and connect with one another with each movement we make, inseparable except to the eye who knows.

Actually, I am not sure what my conclusion is except that maybe the problems we see in the world as many say, are due to an imbalance or lack of understanding of the Oneness of Life. Because the energy of the feminine is so hidden and mysterious, so unknowable and wild the desire to tame and control what is never meant to be contained or controlled has resulted in us knowing neither the truth of the masculine or the feminine as unified Life force.

Richard Rudd in his work in the Gene Keys said, as soon as there is 2 there is automatically a third. The masculine and the feminine and the relationship that exists between them. I catch a glimpse of this at the dawn of creation where darkness and light were woven together to create Life.

I am still sitting with all of this.

Thank you again for sharing your beautiful and thought-provoking words.

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Florence, I am completely honored by what you shared here, your deep reflections are swirling around in my being as this sweet harmony. Your comment is an amazing example of what our world is going through right now. I love what you wrote about chaos, “society and religion sees it as something bad to be controlled when it is in fact the fertile void which creates life.” Absolutely! And this chaos we are seeing is this healing!

I believe we all want union, healing from this fractured reality. Polarity of male and female, each with a very specific splintered meaning of what it means to be that gender, as well as the yin and yang energies of spirit. Polarities have become very gender personified.

How can we truly see and comprehend God or the Goddess when the meanings of masculine and feminine are so broken. For me, what has risen from within by doing deep trauma and somatic work is the beginning of this blending and fusing. Mending what has been torn apart in life and how that shows up in my being. Finding ways to bring together the body and soul, matter and spirit, transcendence and immanence, power and powerlessness, above and below, within and without. Probably why I write about the liminal so much and call my substack liminal walker, because this is how I am healing. As you referred to the yin and the yang in flow.

As I look to life, the cycles of the seasons, birth and death, ebbing and flowing, this feels very feminine to me. More of a true feminine, not the one created through patriarchy. Female bodies that bleed, go through cycles, birth children, tend to the dead, etc. Nature feels feminine and why it has become very easy to say “She” or “Her” in regard to a deific force. SHE who heals the split has within her both the masculine and feminine, the man and the woman, the god and the goddess. What was torn asunder shows up as the patriarchy of misogyny and dominance. Yet no one wins here. We are all struggling to feel whole by attempting to force the opposite to be what we want it to be. Instead of us all surrendering to the deeper truth of what we all are together.

Again, these are my musing and meanderings. Only what I know right now, in this moment as I write. Thank you, Florence, for you deep contemplation, and questioning here. Inviting me to do the same.

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Oh. My. Goddess. This post is pure power, pure MAGIC! Just reading the words, I felt HER roots, HER tendrils coiling up everywhere. I want everyone to read this one! Thank you so much for this soulful brilliance, Julie! And I really loved the prayer at the end. I may make that a part of my daily ritual. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks Jenna! She is the power and magic behind it all. It is ironic, even within the Male God Religions, She is the life force. creation, the force of presence that runs through it. How could it not if She is everything!

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Just gorgeous.

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Thanks Erica! ❤

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Aug 17Liked by Julie Schmidt


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Thanks ❤

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For the past four months I’ve been slowly working on a sculptural fiber piece called She Rising. The name came first then the foundation. Currently I’m working on the tree trunk/volcano roots/lava. To see your title of “She Rising” sent sparks through my core! Thank you for translating this experience through words….English isn’t an easy language to express the She who is rising. My son, Mark Luterra, shared your words with me as he too is writing his evolving experience of the feminine embodying and evolving within him and his life. Such a wondrous time! May She continue to rise and speak and create through you…💖

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I too, am caught in the circle of the new age of the divine feminine. New love and understanding for mother Mary, truth about Mary Magdalene and the feminine essence of God, the Holy Spirit. You would love the Daughters of Heaven conference in Sedona, September 27 and 28. At the center for Christ consciousness.

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