Oh how divine! It is Lughnasadh here...a time for stepping into the Sovereign energy, the Autumn Energy. A time to honour the changes that represent the slowly and going inward. A time to give thanks for that which was planted in Summer and the knowledge that what was planted can now be harvested. A time to honour my inner harvest, and while the sun still shines strongly, I can gently take stock of what can be harvested for the cooler days to come.
Julie, I love that we can share the opposites, and in that sharing a sacred view, beyond the thresholds of each others sacred space.
In honour of this time of year for you, Julie and all the magic and wisdom that it invokes for you. Much love x
Sam, as I saw that you had commented and before I read it, I felt this gratitude and synergy rise up in me around us connecting from the opposite sides of the globe. When I wrote this post I thought of you and other friends I have in the Southern Hemisphere. Your autumn is the calling for our spring. Our spring is the calling for your autumn. Yes "beyond the thresholds!" I too love that we share the opposites!
Sam, may your time of Lughnasadh be an abundant harvest! Both externally and internally. Deeply grounded in the earth and the body. Open to the natural changes of this time and the magic they have to offer you. ❤
Thank you for this beautiful offering Julie. I feel so much is happening in the background that I find myself bracing for impact! Such calls to action that leave me exhausted and so I am taking a sacred pause with you to celebrate and be still and let what will be emerge. x
Blessings to you Louise. Yes this time of Imbolc, this sacred place of the in between, is a comforting place to rest. Know that life and love has you! Each pause a gestation. That new possibilities are forming, fresh ways to meet what is present in the moment.
Thank you so much for this, Julie! I see Imbolc as the time when the ancestors are gathering their things to begin the walk out of the cave of winter. I love your question about what is revealed as the snow melts. It gave me an image of myself encased in snow and as it melted away there was a fresh, new, tender and vulnerable me within. One not jaded by past hurts. That feels both exciting and scary. I also loved your look at swans. We don't have them here but I find them enchanting. Had no idea they were migratory!
Jenna I love the image you describe as yourself encased in snow that is melting away. Birthing a new you. Yes vulnerable and tender as new shoots that rise above the soil. And so true, new beginnings are both exciting and scary. Reminding me that enthusiasm and trepidation are two sides to the same coin. To live life, means knowing this pair. Blessed Imbolc to you Jenna! ❤
Yes, this is one of my favorite celebrations. The four liminal and fire sabbats at the in between times are very powerful! Christine, may you have a joyous celebration, both of deep connection and sacred play! ❤
I'm sorry to hear that your brother passed. Sending my deepest condolences to you and Robin. Did you tell me that when we got together in October?
I loved your reading today. I was attracted to the Brigid symbol when we went to Lester's Godmother's home after she passed. I have one and haven't hung it yet. I'm sure it represents St. Brigid as they were Irish Catholic, but that's ok.
Great questions at the end of the reading.
What seeds have I planted? I have a hard time answering all the questions. Why is it so hard for me?
I bought tulip bulbs a while back and never planted them. I hope it's not too late. I should have planted them after Thanksgiving.
You make me think with these questions. What am I doing for myself and others?
YES Brigid is an amazing goddess, energy and powerhouse. It is fascinating the colonization of the many Celtic/Gaelic holidays into the Christian religion. It is how they converted communities and countries. Instead of the sacred in life it became the Father in the sky. Yet the return that we are seeing of paganism, brings the inclusivity of both. I love the Brigid cross, it is really beautiful. To me it is a symbol of inclusion.
The questions I include at the end are meant to make you ponder and consider. Did you listen to the meditation? It can help with answering those questions. "What seeds have I planted?" is a very open ended, by design. It begs for more...What actions and beliefs are deeply rooted in my being? Do these serve me or are they detrimental to my life? What am I focusing on currently? Again is this serving me or is it detrimental? And it can be straight forward, what plants to I want to have in my physical garden? It is time to consider that too. Seeding time is here.
Regarding my brother. He passed away many years ago, but the memory and grief was really strong this month, affecting my quite intensely.
YES - would love to get together again. And may this season bring deeper insights and openings into your life! ❤
Thanks Chanél! I love these Celtic/Pagan celebrations they are very grounded in nature and the natural world around us! Seeing the sacred in the physical and life. It brings it home for me, the interconnectedness of everything. The web of life.
Oh how divine! It is Lughnasadh here...a time for stepping into the Sovereign energy, the Autumn Energy. A time to honour the changes that represent the slowly and going inward. A time to give thanks for that which was planted in Summer and the knowledge that what was planted can now be harvested. A time to honour my inner harvest, and while the sun still shines strongly, I can gently take stock of what can be harvested for the cooler days to come.
Julie, I love that we can share the opposites, and in that sharing a sacred view, beyond the thresholds of each others sacred space.
In honour of this time of year for you, Julie and all the magic and wisdom that it invokes for you. Much love x
Sam, as I saw that you had commented and before I read it, I felt this gratitude and synergy rise up in me around us connecting from the opposite sides of the globe. When I wrote this post I thought of you and other friends I have in the Southern Hemisphere. Your autumn is the calling for our spring. Our spring is the calling for your autumn. Yes "beyond the thresholds!" I too love that we share the opposites!
Sam, may your time of Lughnasadh be an abundant harvest! Both externally and internally. Deeply grounded in the earth and the body. Open to the natural changes of this time and the magic they have to offer you. ❤
Oh what a beautiful blessing. Thank you Julie. ❤
Thank you for this beautiful offering Julie. I feel so much is happening in the background that I find myself bracing for impact! Such calls to action that leave me exhausted and so I am taking a sacred pause with you to celebrate and be still and let what will be emerge. x
Blessings to you Louise. Yes this time of Imbolc, this sacred place of the in between, is a comforting place to rest. Know that life and love has you! Each pause a gestation. That new possibilities are forming, fresh ways to meet what is present in the moment.
This is wonderful. Thank you for this beautiful, thoughtful, and wonderfully crafted and intimate share and offering.
Truly appreciate the writing.
Many many thanks.
Thanks Jojo! Appreciate your words. A blessed Imbolc to you! May it birth many new possibilities into your life.
Thank you so much for this, Julie! I see Imbolc as the time when the ancestors are gathering their things to begin the walk out of the cave of winter. I love your question about what is revealed as the snow melts. It gave me an image of myself encased in snow and as it melted away there was a fresh, new, tender and vulnerable me within. One not jaded by past hurts. That feels both exciting and scary. I also loved your look at swans. We don't have them here but I find them enchanting. Had no idea they were migratory!
Jenna I love the image you describe as yourself encased in snow that is melting away. Birthing a new you. Yes vulnerable and tender as new shoots that rise above the soil. And so true, new beginnings are both exciting and scary. Reminding me that enthusiasm and trepidation are two sides to the same coin. To live life, means knowing this pair. Blessed Imbolc to you Jenna! ❤
I love celebrating imbolc, especially when I have the opportunity to make Brigids cross. Thank you for sharing such a rich and powerful celebration!
Yes, this is one of my favorite celebrations. The four liminal and fire sabbats at the in between times are very powerful! Christine, may you have a joyous celebration, both of deep connection and sacred play! ❤
Hi Julie,
I'm sorry to hear that your brother passed. Sending my deepest condolences to you and Robin. Did you tell me that when we got together in October?
I loved your reading today. I was attracted to the Brigid symbol when we went to Lester's Godmother's home after she passed. I have one and haven't hung it yet. I'm sure it represents St. Brigid as they were Irish Catholic, but that's ok.
Great questions at the end of the reading.
What seeds have I planted? I have a hard time answering all the questions. Why is it so hard for me?
I bought tulip bulbs a while back and never planted them. I hope it's not too late. I should have planted them after Thanksgiving.
You make me think with these questions. What am I doing for myself and others?
I would love to talk with you again.
Happy Imbolc Blessings to you, dear Julie.
Bring on the Spring!!! 🌷🌈🐇🐥
Hey Barbara!
Good to hear from you! And in substack!
YES Brigid is an amazing goddess, energy and powerhouse. It is fascinating the colonization of the many Celtic/Gaelic holidays into the Christian religion. It is how they converted communities and countries. Instead of the sacred in life it became the Father in the sky. Yet the return that we are seeing of paganism, brings the inclusivity of both. I love the Brigid cross, it is really beautiful. To me it is a symbol of inclusion.
The questions I include at the end are meant to make you ponder and consider. Did you listen to the meditation? It can help with answering those questions. "What seeds have I planted?" is a very open ended, by design. It begs for more...What actions and beliefs are deeply rooted in my being? Do these serve me or are they detrimental to my life? What am I focusing on currently? Again is this serving me or is it detrimental? And it can be straight forward, what plants to I want to have in my physical garden? It is time to consider that too. Seeding time is here.
Regarding my brother. He passed away many years ago, but the memory and grief was really strong this month, affecting my quite intensely.
YES - would love to get together again. And may this season bring deeper insights and openings into your life! ❤
Thanks for this!
Thought you might find this interesting: https://substack.com/@gavinmounsey/note/c-90396518
Merry meet!
I gathered with a group of my sisters right after Imbolc to do some vision boarding. The seeds we planted look marvelous for the upcoming year!
Thanks Chanél! I love these Celtic/Pagan celebrations they are very grounded in nature and the natural world around us! Seeing the sacred in the physical and life. It brings it home for me, the interconnectedness of everything. The web of life.