Julie, I just love this...I am feeling open to the ALL in this post. The letting go, the dying, the resurrection. And yet there is also the patience, the trust and the openness that comes through in your post. To honour the little deaths is to honour the life to be lived, for how can we live to our fullest if we are unable to change our perspectives, our view, our ego.

I am reading your post and feeling that it is like a Dismemberment Journey - where you are taken apart (metaphorically speaking) and then washed clean, and then put back together again in a new and empowered way.

To me your post also spoke about the liminal space where wisdom and empowerment meet...at the separation, initiation and integration spaces

Thank you Julie. Thank you.

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Julie, I have found such clarity here on what I have been experiencing, something I have been trying to make sense of which, I know is not always entirely useful! It seems I have been in some depths of discovery and the hardest thing I find is to surrender to the story as this is the one that is already written my something greater than me. x

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The Hanged Man keeps coming up for me in readings over the last few months. I love your exploration here! And the witch card really intrigues me. One thing that bothers me in the Rider Waite Coleman Smith deck is that it perpetuates the idea that right side up is the 'right or normal' way (the head and upwards being superior). It's a product of its time so I don't mean to be critical of the deck, but I'm glad when other decks help us to equally value things like the body and heart. I love that you brought the underworld story to the conversation! Especially from Ereshkigal's point of view is exactly the change in perspective that moves me. Thank you for all of this, Julie! ♥️

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I just skimmed the surface of your lovely essay and will go back to read more in depth later but this particular line struck me.

"So, when beckoned how will you answer? Will you go voluntarily or involuntarily into the grey scale of the liminal? Surrendering to the wisdom of life or waiting for a cataclysmic event to do the job? Whether by choice or not, it’s about pausing, entering a time of inactivity, being patient."

I have very much entered a liminal space with my job - long story but it is a major change and I have been in kind of a holding pattern waiting for it to happen. But I realized last week that I can make choices within this change that will both benefit my employer and the business and my personal/family life/mental health. By taking control of those choices and decisions that I had been avoiding making, I can breathe a little easier, maintain some sense of control, and will deal with the consequences - positive or negative - that come because of those choices.

So thank you for putting into writing what I am feeling!

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Thank you Julie, I've drawn The Hanged One as my card for April, so actually actively looked back through your lovely archive to see if you had written about it (and you have!)

I'm feeling a real change of perspective this month. Gratitude for what already is. Acknowledgement of how speedy a growth cycle I've been on in the last 10 years. Always a longing to slow down (perhaps this will be the month?! Perhaps?!) 🤎

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