Love the way you presence the liminal spaces in our lives, Julie. The energy is ripe and tangible. Reading the first few paragraphs of this made me feel nervous, wary, and at home all at once. Absolutely magical!

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Thanks Allysha! Yes, all the various feelings coming together - that's trickster energy for sure. The liminality of emotion. There is incredible power when I stop trying to regulate and define life as some segmented, linear, piece after piece way of living. Instead opening to the "magical" ways the many forms of feeling "nervous, wary, and at home" can co-exist. So, agree with you!

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Jul 14Liked by Julie Schmidt

I enjoyed this piece Julie! The story of Eshu and the farmers really hit home 👌🏼

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Yes Emma, it did for me too! It was like I was being called out. Reminding me to look beyond what my eyes see, beyond what my ears hear, beyond what my sensations tell me. Not invalidating them, but ADDing them into the fuller picture. Again the AND, the liminality of how life blends rather than defines and separates.

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Julie I thought you would enjoy hearing that after I read your piece, and comment, I had a realization yesterday of how much I am in a liminal space right now - between one major life segment and another, in place all it’s own yet not quite “landed.” My return to awareness of the liminal in this personal way, sparked a thought within me - a wonder, or feeling into of how there is actually much more liminality to the unfolding of life than we often recognize. Often we are “between,” and without realizing that, it can feel disorienting or unsatisfactory. Also I am feeling the connection between kairos (the ripening time) and the liminal. Thank you for inviting me into these thoughtscapes 🌀🙏🏼

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“ We are not separate from or a distinct aspect of the Universe. The deeper truth is that the Universe exists within and as everything. You, me, us! ALL things… The trickster reminds us of this underlining truth!”

" All separation, every kind of estrangement and alienation is false. All is one. This is the ultimate truth…”

All the things in nature are together in one place.

Each thing is moved by Nature’s pattern or Way.

Signals give direction. 🔄

The whole divides in to parts. 🧬

The parts move around and round and in and out of each other.

Like water flowing in rivers 💦 and oceans 🌊 and changing into vapor 💨 and snow ⛄️❄️and ice 🧊.

The water flows in and out of creatures 🐿️ and plants 🌱.

Every part is circulating, round and round. 💫☄️🪐⛈️🌪️

Things unFold 🌱 then enFold 🍂 .

Everything in the UNIverse fits 🧩

because each part belongs

to the ONE whole cyclic cosmic song 🎻 and dance 💃🏻.

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Lovely... I love "Things unFold 🌱 then enFold 🍂" Truly an ongoing movement, elements at play, cycles of change... as you said, one song, one dance. And the trickster is a means for keeping this all alive, my attention engaged in the moment, witnessing, partaking and being it all.

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Love this, Julie! ❤️ The Trickster has played a big role in my experience too. And I feel the same as you, drawn to them but simultaneously scared to death. I remember a few years back reading the strangest little book about Tricksters called The Trickster and the Paranormal by George Hansen. I actually found it to be quite thought-provoking and insightful. And then, just today before I came here to read your post, I was reading something else and saw the word "subliminal" and for some reason, it was the first time I saw it as sub-liminal. I hadn't thought of it before in terms of some realm beneath the liminal and I thought that was fascinating. Thank you for sharing all about Eshu! One of my ancestral healing teachers is a Yoruba initiate and spoke of Eshu and it always left me feeling especially afraid of this one. Your poem and story here helped me open to being more curious about him. I hope to hear you story of Eshu crossing your path! ❤️

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Thanks Jenna! The trickster has been so alive in my life lately, I had to write about it which was a great way to be present with the energies and to assimilate it. Plus I am reading a fascinating book right now about it too, The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture, and Psyche, by Daniel Deardorff. The book you mention sounds fascinating. However as I looked it up on amazon it isn't such a "little book" at some 550 pages! I did add it to my list though.

Funny when you wrote the word "subliminal" I had the same thoughts and feelings you did! Like a precognition and experience before I read the rest of your words about it. Even moments like that, the trickster showing up... Looking forward to our upcoming meeting, will be sending the link soon... Much love to you! ❤️

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Love this, Julie! ❤️ The Trickster has played a big role in my experience too. And I feel the same as you, drawn to them but simultaneously scared to death. I remember a few years back reading the strangest little book about Tricksters called The Trickster and the Paranormal by George Hansen. I actually found it to be quite thought-provoking and insightful. And then, just today before I came here to read your post, I was reading something else and saw the word "subliminal" and for some reason, it was the first time I saw it as sub-liminal. I hadn't thought of it before in terms of some realm beneath the liminal and I thought that was fascinating. Thank you for sharing all about Eshu! One of my ancestral healing teachers is a Yoruba initiate and spoke of Eshu and it always left me feeling especially afraid of this one. Your poem and story here helped me open to being more curious about him. I hope to hear you story of Eshu crossing your path! ❤️

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Oh, I love this. I am fascinated by liminal spaces and trickster energy. There is so much deep truth to be found within. I am going to re-read more slowly to take it all in. 🤔Thank you. 💜

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Thanks so much Phoebe, appreciate it! Yes that's the trickster energy, inviting us to take a second look, expanding the perception, to see what we did not see before. ❤️

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Julie, there are so many elements that I love in this. As I read about the trickster I could feel my insight to this, an awareness opening and a recognition of my own and how it manifests. Sometimes things I am shown make no sense and are even frightening, but I now see them as a doorway, a portal to explore. It was as though I had seen the peaceful entry into another world, not to fear it. How fascinating and I love the traditions that you've shown here. I always learn so much from you. Thank you!

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Thanks Louise! Yes I so agree with you, "sometimes things I am shown make no sense and are even frightening, but I now see them as a doorway, a portal to explore." I admit, it is easy for me to become compliant, even lazy. Yet my most profound healings and realizations come from having my life shook up! The trickster keeps me alive, fresh, in the moment. It may be a hard entry where I start off resistant, yet if I remain open (the trickster supports this) then what becomes available is magical.

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I love this perspective Julie, would we really take any notice if it didn’t shake us up a bit!

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Very enjoyable piece, Julie. We all have a trickster within, ready to lead the way as a beacon of light that manifests when we least expect it.

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Thanks D.C.! Yep that is the calling card of the trickster, "when we least expect it." And that is what makes the trickster so profound, we don't see it coming. This shows up for me in so many ways like, a wake up call, a stumbling, a shock to the system and through puns, satire and word play. And when I can laugh at myself, that is when I know I have received it.

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What a splendid piece, Julie. I love the connection of the liminal with the trickster, and how the Trickster shows us the way out of duality into a deeper wisdom place. The trickster as wisdom guide. No doubt, tricksters can be alarming, unsettling and even scary, but you are so right: opening to the trickster is a step into enlightenment as it is the closing that is even more fearful! Thank you for this nice piece!

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Thanks Larry! Appreciate your words and so wonderful to hear from you! Personally, I went on a deep dive with this post. The trickster was showing up in my life and I felt called to write about it. As a result it became a powerful process and a beautiful assimilation. Side note... I miss you all at 100 poems! Hope to return soon. ❤️

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Julie, you are always missed! I tangle with the concept and reality of the trickster, in part because they are there to make us uncomfortable as a way of movement through. I love your thinking mind and your writing!

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