I'm coming in a bit late to this, but have decided it's okay to honor solstice for at least a week. 😅 Thank you so much for all of this goodness! I loved learning about Áine and, as always, I'm inspired by your gorgeous altar. Those sunflowers are amazing! I want to go out and walk slowly through a field of them. 🌻🌻🌻

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Yes I too would love to walk in a field of sunflowers! My husband and I drove up to Mt. Shasta two weeks ago to go to Burney falls and visit Lake Siskiyou. On the drive up we passed a field of sunflowers. They were all in bloom, so magnificent!

And you're not late! For me Litha lasts 6 weeks! I keep my altars up till the next Sabbat, then I change them. Wonderful to really focus on the energy that each sabbat brings.

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Yay! Litha for 6 weeks, I love it!

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I love how inclusive this is with all the different kinds of information, from the word origin of “solstice” to a Solstice blessing and even the acknowledgment of Southern Hemisphere Yule celebrations. Beautifully thought-out.

I love the question “What illuminates your life.” Inspiration—in many different form—is my constant illumination. Each day brings something new to explore. ☀️✨

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Thanks Allysha. So beautiful your answer; inspiration. I love this word as creativity, the catalyst and innovation it is. As well as breathing, taking a breath in. So literally breathing in life's creative force. Love it!

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Thank you for the Blessing at the end. I will be using it today. I needed something positive!

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So glad this is supporting you! Blessings to you on your solstice and full moon journey. May it offer and bring to you exactly what is needed to be who and what you deeply are.

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I love all the information you put into these celebrations Julie, it always lifts my heart and gives me a new and fresh perspective. I will take this energy into this evening with me. Thank you!

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Thanks Louise. I do love researching these holidays/sabbats. Summer solstice and full moon blessings to you. Enjoy your celebration in whatever way you recognize it.

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Beautiful. I'm keenly aware of the solstices. Especially because I was born in the Southern Hemisphere. On June 20th, the summer begins here in the north, while the winter starts in the south. While we frolick at the beach here in the States, people in Argentina will be skiing.

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Happy Birthday blessings to you D.C.!

Yes I agree, it's so fascinating that in the Northern Hemisphere summer starts today, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is the beginning of winter. Maybe that is why it literally called "polar opposites"!

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