Thank you Julie, I have stepped into the energy of this time more than ever before. So many things coming to an end, dropping away ready for new cycles to begin. I actually made an apple crumble last weekend, which was a bit early! I love the idea of a harvest festival, it was so part of my childhood growing up in a village and we don't follow those traditions so much anymore. I'm grateful for your insight here and I draw strength and inspiration from your wisdom. 🙏

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Thanks Louise! Yes the dropping away, so important for the new cycles to unfold. And funny to feel both the abundance of harvest and the withering. In my garden the tomatoes are so plentiful, but the smell of rot is there too.

Oh I love apple crumble or crisp! Was it as delicious as it sounds?

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Yes it was to my surprise as I haven’t baked for so long. Enjoyed with custard as well. Yummy!

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A bit late...However I wish to say that I really appreciated your post. While I live in the Southern Hemisphere I am currently travelling in the Northern Hemisphere and am seeing the change in the landscape - cooler days, shorter nights, leaves changing and falling..It is so wonderful to be conscious of the importance of each change and to honour each - within nature and within ourselves.

And I also really appreciated your words on the Dark Mother.. thank you for that reminder - to honour the Dark Mother in our lives and in nature and how in honouring her we are living in balance.

I also really appreciated your questions...

Thank you Julie

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You are not late, truly right on time. Thanks Sam for reading and for your words, YES "to honor and live in balance" with the Dark Mother. I am really feeling Her right now in my life. Truthfully, it has been challenging, but She is also holding me, like being wrapped in a a soft, fuzzy blanket.

Enjoy your travels! ❤

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Blessed Mabon, Julie! Thank you for this reflection. I will have to explore the idea of the Dark Mother further.

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Your welcome and blessed Mabon to you too A.!

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Thank you for this, Julie! Loved the meditation! I have an ambivalent relationship with the dark mother, I think. I feel so drawn to her and comfortable walking beside her, and yet there is a deep grief that often comes with her. I guess that's the fullness of her, right?

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I totally get this! She is not easy, and that is the gift as well, the alchemy. For me there is this threshold I need to cross most every time she comes around, my resistance. Needing to agree to the grief and vulnerability that comes from the loss and dying that is unfolding. I feel like I am conditioned to only look at the what is considered "good" and turn from that which is seen as "negative or bad". Yet in that darkness of the ebbing and waning is this amazing beauty. This sweet tender softness of this fire breathing dragon. It has been a process over time for sure!

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So beautiful! I've actually been called by my dark goddess the last week or so to revisit a ritual I used to do with her and then shelved for the last year or so. I just let go and did the ritual finally this afternoon and then came back online to your comment here. So, so perfect! There really is so much tenderness in the depths of her. That's exactly the right word. Thank you for this!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Julie Schmidt

That is lovely. A blessed Mabon to you!

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And to you too, blessed Mabon! 🍂❤🍂

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