I loved this Julie, I really wanted to absorb the energy, so I’ve got myself a hot drink and spent time to immerse myself. I always move into a certain energy at this time of year. Slightly mischievous, but incredibly supportive. This year I feel like I’m being pulled through a space perhaps to sit closer with my ancestors and throw out the final bucketfuls of burden that I’ve been carrying. Also a highly charged message for others to find their wounds, enough of shying away from them and healing them for the greater good. I continue to hold the space as this occurs and honour your wisdom to support this. 💫🙏

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Thanks Louise! Yes, there is so much to learn from our ancestors, (blood and spiritual). Many lived from the wisdom of being connected to the land. Listening and responding to life in inter-relational ways. Knowing and experiencing the natural magic as everyday ordinary life. Of course not all of them lived this way, how else do we come to where we are today. But it is the prior ancestors I mentioned that I seek out. The meditation I created for this post came from my own experience with meeting them. They always show up for me around a fire at night.

And thank you for holding space! Such a powerful gift to this world!

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Julie Schmidt

Still fresh in my heart is the recent death/transition of my mother. I look at this time in a different way and will be honoring my family moved on from this life as we live it into another place of being. The wisdom and love of our ancestors/family has enabled us to be here in the present. Blessings to all as we move into a time of quiet and rest.

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I understand. Recent deaths have such a major impact on our lives in many ways, unique to each person. I deeply honor your grief, the ways you commemorate your loved ones and the means in which you travel with it.

My mother died eight years ago and my dad five and half. Each year since I have placed their pictures on my Samhain altar. Along with other family members that have passed on. There is a time to meet the ancestors of the past as a means to guide us and understand what has brought us to this time. And there is a time to honor those that have recently moved on that have impacted our lives in this life time.

Blessings Rebecca as you navigate this, sending the warmth of love your way. ❤

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Julie Schmidt

Thank you so much❤️

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So beautiful, Julie! Thank you! I really loved the guided journey (and how fun to hear your voice 🤗)! The prayer at the end was amazing. I'm kicking off Samhain this weekend by staying in a cave-turned-airbnb. Can't wait!

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Oooh that sounds AMAZING! Would love to hear about your experience later. What a great way to spend Samhain, in the womb. After my time in the Belly of the Dragon, caves have more significance to me than ever!

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This is so wonderful Julie! I love the blend of information, education, ritual and mystical. I have Irish and Scottish roots, and the weaving of life as a seamless journey between dimensions is such a comforting way for me to live, at my best. Your splendid description of death as nothing to fear and a part of our rhythms as organic, natural beings is quite beautiful. You are such a gift. Thank you!

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Thank Larry! I am touched.

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Julie, I love this!!!

You have shared so much in this post. Thank you...for your wisdom, your guidance, your passion.

I have always loved Samhain. I have always loved the Crone/Cailleach. This sabbat feels so important to me on so many levels. A letting go, an acceptance, an appreciation, a going in AND a coming out.

I have returned home now and am in the Southern Hemisphere and thus Beltaine..

I look forward to joining your opposite Sabbat in the coming days. May the energy of both gift great healing to the earth and all her living and non living beings.

In honour of you and all that you share and offer. Thank you.

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As I read what you have written here Sam, I am filled with this sense of peace. Samhain in the North, Beltaine in the South...the beauty of balance, the wisdom of the cycles happening simultaneously. A joining of life in this magnificence dance as the two become one.

Welcome home Sam, and Beltaine blessings to you! ❤

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Bless you Julie... Bless you and thank you x

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