Love, love, love this, Julie! I had never before thought of the point down pentacle as spirit into body, but oh my gosh, yes, that's exactly what it is! It IS the inversion. Wow! You've given me such an incredible insight here. Truly, this gave me chills. The "upside down" pentacle is now my favorite thing ever. Thank you so much for that! ❤️ I see the Devil card exactly as you do. I've always summed it up as an invitation to look at the ways we say no to life.

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Thanks Jenna! Love that this brought deeper insight. I too am taking back the pentacle, upright and inverted. We rise up and we bow down. We do both. We are of spirit and we are of earth. We are both. Yeah, the Devil is not evil or wicked. Maybe it might act that way as the trickster. Mostly, it's an invitation to truly see how we deny, shut out, judge, make wrong.. this beautiful body of life.

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Sep 15Liked by Julie Schmidt

Timely exploration for me as the card came up as my current priority (alongside Page of Swords for how to take action on it) 😊

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Oh the Page of Swords on how to take action! Good one! Removing the veils, cutting through the misconceptions and lies. Opening to new and innovated understandings. A committed living by one's inner knowing and truth.

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After recently researching the primordial shamans (women being the earliest representations in paleolithic and Neolithic times) because woman by nature is a shaman (Chekchee saying), I know see a new layer of symbology of the devil card. I see it referencing early shamans, who were animists, often shapeshifting through the use of zoomorphic masks and regalia to embody or commune with that animal spirit. Often shamans wore horns of some kind be it from stag, waterbufallo depending on their geography of animals. Wings were often embodied through ecstatic dance, arms taking flight, some wearing very long sleeves that dragged to ground that mimicked wings, or they had a fringed cape lined with feathers, beads and other trinkets for superstitious reasons. They had many other tools they used in their soul retrieval ceremonies like mirrors, belts, staff, rattles or hand drums and so on. These don’t really appear in the tarot card but it may be that by the time the tarot came along, the consensus was about “demonising” these shamans who were the first spiritual icons in primordial human civilisation.

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Yes, yes, yes! Could not agree more. Which is why I brought in Devil cards from other decks. Like the Trickster, Pan and the Lord of the Forest. I am sure these archetypes are the ones that came after the shamans of those earlier times. However, still carrying some of those reflections.

I love that you said, "woman by nature is a shaman." I feel that the women's body by its design and nature is naturally shamanistic. The cycles, the bleeding, the journey to the underworld and then resurrection. The capacity to give birth and the holding of the dead. Yes shamans, animists and the feminine have been demonized! In this way I find that the Devil card invites us to look how we judge, polarize and create disparity. Inviting us to find that liminal space where the dark and light touch. Where passion and innocence can co-exist. Where the masculine and feminine marry. Cycling back as a return to animism...

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Oh wow! What you just replied is so beautiful, I sense another article brewing as there is so much to uncover on this topic. I feel exactly the same way when I came across that Chukchee saying, whilst reading up some of Max Dusha’s work on female shamanism, our bodies by nature facilitate the shamanism, and we can see how later on as men got involved, they are basically mimicking much of what the female shamans did, down to even the way they dressed like the women, developed sweat lodges to replicate the natural purification a woman’s body goes through as her body temperature rises during luteal phase or menopause even. I’m glad women are taking back ownership nowadays of shamanism as for so long it seemed to be male dominated and attributed to being developed by the men. It’s nice both men and women can become shamans, I would just like there to be more acknowledgement by the men in society that it originated through women

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Completely agree! Both men and women equally! And there is a lot that women, the feminine need to take back. But not as a domination or conquering, that is patriarchy. I have written about this in my Divine Feminine post. Her way is not by climbing up the hierarchical ladder and toppling. No, She will come from underneath, the network of life, the mycelial threads, the root systems, and this will break up the foundation the patriarchy stands upon.

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Sep 13Liked by Julie Schmidt

Hi Julie, great piece! I have been working with the Lovers this summer - specifically from the angle of noticing how what is desirable may appear as an external phenomena, however on a deep level it really a reflection of qualities held within - and then from that place, choosing to align with Self and its display. I am enjoying bringing this aspect of the Lovers into your treatment of the Devil - because as you pointed out in the RWS deck the lovers are chained only loosely, not actually captive …kind of like the 8swords where she is actually free, while seeming to be bound. For me, the devil card has long been a message for me to wake up and get clear on where I have been ignoring the mirror-reflection of life - placing blame outside of myself, on a person, situation, or thing - when meanwhile I have been continually choosing that thing all along through my focus, albeit unawares. Another side of that being, where have I forgotten that life is a mirror, and demonized the reflection. I think it’s interesting how we move from the devil into the Tower, which arguably represents the largest influx of creative energy in the entirety of the major arcana (hence the sense of dismantlement). Anywho, having fun with where your thoughts are leading me this day. Thanks as always for an enjoyable contemplation.

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Ohhhh Emma I love your contemplation here. And how you expressed the Devil's impact on blame and shame. Truly a human dilemma of our times. And then remembering we are not held captive them either. Appreciate that you brought the Tower in. For there the old structures fall. The mechanics of blame and shame are shattered along with the mirror. Out of the rubble, creativity is born. We get to decide how to build anew. Love it!

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Thank you very revealing! I love the tarot and they are apart of my daily routine even as I ascend in frequency I find the meanings upgrade. I see the devel as being too attached to the finite. To 3D earth and the physical not surrending my will to the infinite and allowing things to flow in divine timing! Thus the chained humans in the Rider Wait version! Thanks again!

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So glad you found this revealing! I too find that as I personally deepen, so does my understanding of the tarot. It takes on a fuller multifaceted way of seeing the archetype. Which makes each reading so powerful and unique.

And, yes the devil can be too attached to the finite, especially in the Christian understanding. Which is why I lean more towards devil cards from alternative decks that give a broader meaning. One that is inclusive of our physicality and connection to life, nature and the wild unknown. While not making it evil or wrong. As well as grounded in universal love, soul and spirit. Both dark and light together. Yes to surrendering the will, opening to the moment. Especially divine timing!

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Exactly well said!💓🙏🏻

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Wonderful. Balanced and good viewpoint on the devil card. It is feared, misunderstood. It requires recognition of what those chains are made of - vices. We are invited to then confront the shadow inherent in this card which reflects the vices in one’s life. It is an opportunity, not a damnation.

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Exactly. "an opportunity, not a damnation." I love that. The Devil card can also be at times an invitation. To see where we hold ourselves back from our wildness, passions and longings because we see them as wrong, even wicked. These times where we get caught up in the dogma of religion, or collective repression, or someone else's expectations. This is probably where the devil gets me the most.

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Yes exactly. Our chains contain our wildness, but we have to know how to control how tight they are.

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Agree, use discernment.

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I just wrote a wild short story on the devil card, it has an immersive music soundtrack. Might not be your thing, but check it out if you wish.

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Will do!

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