Well Julie, I started a post on shame this week. The synchronicity tells me that this is a collective wound that we are healing. I have a very similar pattern to you in that I grew up in a dysfunctional house, so I was never encouraged how to express emotions or love. It's what I've spent the last few years unraveling and continue to do so. I do so see why we have been connected and am grateful for your wisdom. 🙏

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It is always fascinating to me how common themes develop amongst a group of people. Yes a synchronicity. I have been wanting to write about shame for a while. It has been sitting for at time in my "ideas" folder. Shame is the most difficult thing I deal with. I truly long for love and at the same time feel that I do not deserve it. I literally have worked on this for decades and so much has shifted. And as Patricia wrote here in the comments, I am also living the wounded healer archetype, (another topic I want to do a post on). This has been emerging and blooming in me lately, the next phase of this journey. Louise, so glad we have connected, blessing on you journey, and look forward to reading your post.

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Yes Julie, it's almost like we're too ashamed to write about it! I agree that so much has shifted, but still work to do. I'm finding more lately that it's around the shame of being a healer, wanting to hide it and all that.

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Yes I feel you in this. I experience this as well. Part of my travels of being a healer means putting myself out there, which activates the shaming messages and the tendencies to shut down. Also, "who am I to do this work?" Like the shame is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It requires me to turn to what I know. One, I am not the lies in my mind. Two, listen to the deep calling within not the put downs. Three, everything I need to know, give and receive is in this precious moment, anchor here! Four, simply breathe. And repeat, repeat, repeat! Oh yah most important love myself through it and hug that wounded part of myself.

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Julie, When I read these deep emotions from someone I admire and find holds a depth of knowledge and love I so wish you could view yourself through my eyes. If only we all could do so, oh what a balm of healing would result.

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That is sooo true! Thanks Patricia I appreciate what you've said here!

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What an absolute gift of awareness to have in that moment Julie, I guess that’s how we show other people the way home. Love and light 🙏💫

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Julie, beautiful words from a wise woman. I like believe that those wounded take those wounds and live out the wounded healer archetype. I see that healing light emanating from your words.

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Thanks Patricia. Yes I feel that is true. I have felt the wounded healer archetype for some time now. Making medicine from the wounds, offering it to others. It is giving to others that I feel the healing myself. A big reason I am here on substack.

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Oh wow, this is wonderful, Julie! What a beautiful exploration of Love. I especially loved the guidance to empty yourself into love and let love empty into you. That image reminds me so much of the torus. But also, when I read it, I felt myself literally pouring into love and love pouring into me, so that this entity I'd thought of as me is completely replaced. Oh my gosh, the wonder in that is indescribable. Thank you so much for this, Julie! ❤️❤️❤️

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Jenna that is so sweet and incredible all at the same time! Yes there is something about the estuary where a body of water meets the ocean and the ocean meets a body of water. Salty brine mixing with fresh waters. Creating whole new ecosystems! And it is the torus, it is the liminal, it is love! ❤️

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Julie, this is such a beautiful soft piece...soft in love, beautiful in the raw vulnerability of how you share.

'It is not about fixing, rejecting or getting rid of the wounds. Love is inclusive, bringing together what has been torn apart. Even the wounds have grace in them.' I LOVE THIS...THANK YOU... our wounds. for me, is where LOVE resides the most. It is the road less travelled and the road most travelled... a paradox and yet it is the most beautiful of all roads.

Thank you...a lovely post to begin the year...may we all LOVE this year.. and in the self loving may we find peace.

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Thank you Sam! Love truly is the simplest answer to everything. Funny, how we run from our wounding, yet paradoxically it holds everything we think we are running to! Our wounds are amazing doorways... Actually more to come, my next post is all about this.

Yes, LOVE! Sam, may LOVE fill you heart to overflowing, where the excess lands on the ground by your feet, where flowers blossom!

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Oh thank you, Julie for that beautiful blessing...thank you xxx

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